
KT Group Resources


  • KT by Numbers

    Korea’s top leading telecommunication company with over 133 years of history, World’s 1st to materialize 5G during 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics, 4 million subscribers of GiGA Internet, 1st place award winner by Korean, Standard-Quality Excellence Index of mobile telecommunication/high-speed Internet.

    • Aiming for No.1 Global ICT company
    • Leading the era of GiGA wired/wireless
    • No.1 in innovative technology
    • Customer-trusted company

무궁화 5A호 이미지

  • No.1
    2017 KS-QEI No.1 in Mobile Communication/High-Speed Internet
  • 133years
    The history of communications in Korea
  • 5G
    The world’s first 5G service at PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games
  • 25
    Overseas Branches & offices
  • KT Platforms

    Future core business of KT based on intelligent network.

  • Media

  • Smart Energy

  • Financial Transactions

  • Disaster/Safety/Security

  • Corporate/Public Value Improvement


KT SkyLife & SkyLife TV

고품질의 콘텐츠 제공과 창조적인 기술혁신으로 방송시장을 선도하는 1등 컨버전스 미디어 기업 The No.1 Convergence Media Company leading the broadcasting market by providing high-quality contents and creative technology innovation

  • The No.1 Convergence Media Platform providing a high-quality satellite-IP merged broadcasting service
    • The sole satellite broadcaster in Korea, having its first transmission on March 1st 2002
    • Leading the broadcasting industry in Korea with ceaseless innovations such as Korea’s 1st 24-hr HD channels(2004), Korea’s 1st PVR service(2006), the world’s 1st 24-hr 3D broadcasting(2010), Korea’s largest transmission of UHD channels(2015), the world’s 1st Satellite-Android TV launching(2016), etc
  • SkyLife TV, Korea’s Representative MPP(Multi Program Provider)
    • Providing differentiated contents through 24-hr UHD exclusive channel(‘skyUHD’) and 12 channels of various genre(movie/drama/sports/travel, etc)
    • Korea’s best UHD producing center where 4K UHD(incl. HDR) contents are produced
  • Differentiated Products and Service
    • Proposing a new paradigm in the broadcasting market by providing UHD Satellite broadcast with Android OS(‘sky A’), Uninterrupted TV in a car(‘SkyLife LTE TV(SLT)’) and Personalized OTT Service(‘TELEBEE’)
    • Applying ‘Smart IP Backup’ service that provides uninterrupted broadcasting service with IP network when the broadcasting quality is dropped due to heavy rain/snow
    • Evolving into a convergence platform by expanding business area to broadcasting advertisement(ARA : Advanced Real-time Advertising) & T2O(TV to On/Offline) Media Commerce


Genie Music

유무선 최고의 음악포털 지니, 올레뮤직. 감성지능 큐레이션을 통한 스마트 지니라이프로 최고의 음악 서비스를 제공 Ginie & Olleh Music, the best wired/wireless music portal The best music service via Smart Genie Life through curation of emotional Intelligence

  • Genie Service
    • Smart UI optimized for mobiles
    • Vivid music play with ultra high quality sounds(Korea’s first FLAC Streaming along with 3D sound field effects and settings, PC and phone integrated playlist management)
    • Genie TV for all videos! Playing Genie Music Video, various video clips and others on Genie TV at once
    • Recommendations just for me! My Styling(recommending album and playlist based on pervious history and preferences)
    • Various playlist-type of services : Customized music selections for each channel, (‘Genie Radio’), social music with real-time interaction(‘Music Hug’)
  • Background Music service for offline stores
    • Legal service of providing background music for offline stores where customers walk in
    • The 1st to provide exclusive music service for offline store by applying the concept of music marketing
    • Music consulting service for the store considering comprehensive status of various business types



kth는 국내 1위 T커머스 ‘K쇼핑’을 운영하여 TV-커머스 산업의 패러다임을 선도하고 있으며, 디지털 콘텐츠 판권의 최다 보유 사업자로 영화, 방송, 애니, 에듀콘텐츠를 비롯하여 모바일 시장에 최적화된 웹콘텐츠 유통 사업 영위 Leading the paradigm of TV-Commerce industry by operating ‘K-shopping’, Korea’s No.1 TV commerce. Distributing movies, broadcasting, animations, education contents and web contents optimized for mobile markets as the largest copyright holder of digital contents

  • TV Commerce
    • Korea’s 1st independent channel-type TV commerce service, being an interactive TV shopping which has merits from both TV home shopping and online shopping
    • Unlike the previous TV home shopping channels introducing one product for an hour, customers can directly search and order by remote controller anytime(Currently, on air for 24 hours at olleh TV, SkyLife, CJ Hello Vision, T-Broad and other major broadcasting platforms)
  • Contents Distribution
    • Distribution of various digital contents(IPTV, Cable, Internet, Mobile, etc.) by acquiring N-Screen copyrights from manufacturers, importers and investment distribution companies
    • Distribution via paid-service & new media platform by acquiring N-Screen copyrights of various genre(more than 10,000 movies, animations, kids, education, web-dramas, etc) for over 10 years


Other Affiliated Companies

ICT/부동산, 미디어/컨텐츠, 금융 등 분야에서 ICT기반의 기술 차별화 및 상호 그룹 시너지를 창출을 통해 성장 Growth by mutual group synergy and differentiated ICT-based technology in areas of ICT/real estate, Media/Contents, finance and others

  • ICT / Real Estate

    • kt estate : spatial value creator by applying innovative technology based on ICT
    • kt telecop : Security company
    • kt is/cs, kt m&s, kt service : total customer care service provider with service center handling sales/distribution of wired/wireless, activation/AS, etc
    • kt submarine : business regarding submarine cable & offshore, marine energy
    • kt ds/kt NexR/Initech : SI specialized IT company, big data SW company, security/financial IT service provider
    • kt M mobile : No.1 MVNO company
  • Media/Contents

    • Nasmedia/PlayD : No.1 digital advertisement planning(online/mobile, etc.), online search advertisement
    • kt mhows : mobile voucher sales, mobile advertisement
  • Finance

    • BC card : No.1 payment/settlement service provider in Korea
    • Smartro/VP : VAN service for credit cards, solution service for mobile payment authentication
    • kt investment : investment company for startups with win-win partnership