About kt sat

Capacity Development

Required Trainings Finishing System

Mandatory learning system

Mandatory learning system is to develop and improve work capacity of employees by assigning customized training course to individuals based on each work capability and profession. Results of Mandatory learning system is reflected on promotion evaluation in order to motivate self-development.

E-learning Course

E-learning Course

We provide high quality E-learning contents such as "market trend, social changes, success strategies of global companies" to strengthen employees' profession. E-learning is consisted of regular course and 5-minute-long mini courses that are updated monthly. We suggest more than 1,700 contents.

KT Group Training

KT Group Training

We participate in various group training courses for Single KT. KT Group Training has KVP(KT Value Shared Program), KLP(KT Leadership Program) and KEP(KT Expert Program) courses to cultivate self-esteem as the member of KT group and to improve basic working tool, common competencies and job capacity.

Outsourced Specialized Training

Specialized Outsourced Training

We motivate employees to participate in specialized trainings from major domestic and overseas training institutions. Especially, we regularly participate in overseas satellite manufacturer’s training programs(France, USA, etc.) to enhance satellite technology and to advance service. Full supports are being made for all employees to voluntarily develop profession under the slogan, "Employee’s competitiveness is the competitiveness of the company."